Create a free blog website free
Create a free Blog Website
You have to go to sign in by gmail ID and password. Than you have to select the language.It will be good to select English.Than some menu appears. you can select new post,template,pages,overview,comments,log-out,settings,earnings etc. You have to give a name to your blog. Than click your clickable blog name. A window appears. Than go to settings.In settings you can create your blog address. Your blog name will be You can edit your web address also. You can add a custom domain also. If you have a personal domain you can add this by clicking add custom domain. You can add a nice theme for your blog. Go to template and select a theme. This theme will appear in your blog.Lot of theme are available there.You can see the preview of any theme you select.You have to click apply to blog option of your selected theme.Several thousand themes are available in blogger and is totally free. You can download free theme also.
Now you can click view blog to see the blog.You can customize tour theme by clicking customize. Click Customize than a window appears in the top of the page.You can customize template,background,adjust weight,layout, advance. You can add sidebar on your template. You can adjust weight 960px to 1210px or what ever.You can select layout. Lot of layout are available there. it is good to select both side layout so that you can put Google adsense advertisement in your sidebar. you can create a menu also. You have to create pages and add to menu.To create a menu go to layout. Select a pages where it is in the third top of the layout. It means the pages is full weight occupy the template.Click edit of pages, a popup menu appears. select pages.Than select all pages and click save. Than the menu will appear in the menu area. Create menu is very simple task. You can add gadget to your template and make your blog looks professional.Than you can add post by clicking new post.You can add images,videos, links etc in your post.
If you have any question pls. ask question in the comment box.
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